
By pattons6

Chocolate you say....

Well, it's been another bad day today. I was up super early 5am, letting Daddy know that I had a bit of a nappy accident and needed a bath, change of clothes and new bedding. Thankfully mummy always comes super prepared and had spare sleep suit and bedding - just incase. Especially with missing some medicine.

I then went back to sleep but Daddy's alarm got me up at 7am. So we went down to breakfast. I was very good and had my porridge, then some milk. We then got dressed and went out for a long walk which was great. I had a sleep on the way. The people were so friendly. A couple stopped mummy and daddy to talk to me, I loved it. Each shop we went into the same thing happened, they ignored mummy & daddy but talked to me.

We then went swimming this afternoon. We practiced all my exercises from water babies. I even did my twinkle twinkle floating and squealed with excitement.

They day then took a downward turn with me being very sick, even after my medicine. Mummy going to keep a note of it and may pop back to see doctor. It tires me out being so sick plus I am then very hungry after.

I was good at dinner tonight though. I had a new taste -red pepper, I loved it, but so does mummy. I even went to sleep at my normal time. Mummy thinks I will wake for a feed after my sicky.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend. Mummy is off out tomorrow to meet up with friends she used to dance with 20 years ago. She is super excited but will miss me.

Ps it's a special chocolate rusk I'm eating. Not chocolate - I am not quick enough to steal any yet.

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