Toot toot toot

Here I am playing my play trumpet at grandma and grandad's. I missed them so much. I made sure that they each got got special kisses and cuddles. I got very spoiled. I got a whole milky bar all to myself.

This morning was a little boring. We tidied, cleaned and dusted. The livingroom, kitchen and hall were all targets. We were quite successful, until lunch where I emptied the contents of my play kitchen all over the floor. He he

Daddy got home from work early. I was so excited to see him. I have him at home for 4 days. Tomorrow we are going swimming, not been in ages so I am looking forward to it.

No nap again today so off the bed a little early. I need to catch up on my sleep. I have started doing some new dance moves. I shuffle along the floor, hake my shoulders and wiggle my bottom. It's got to be seen to be believed. So long for now, I'm off to party with the fairies. Toot toot!

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