By lizzie_birkett

This Pair...

...of lovey doves sit in the little apple tree each day watching and waiting for me to bring more food out. I've grown to love Collared Doves.

A knitting and film day today. We watched 'The Duchess' (Kiera Knightly) this afternoon. It was really good.

It's nearly tea time now, another jigsaw is on the go but I am not really contributing. I lost interest during the first one.

Does anyone else feel like they are just marking time?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not bored and never will be, I have lots of good and interesting things to keep me occupied but my heart isn't in them like it usually is - well, except Blip of course! 
I don't want to wish my life away either but when I get into bed at night I welcome the end of the day and lose myself in my book. Another day closer - I hope - to being able to see our families.

When I did that home Covid test I forgot to register it on line! This means I don't get the results. I phoned gov.uk and they can't give me the results. I  had filled in my mobile number to get it by text but she said it makes no difference as I didn't do the on line bit. Silly me - never read instructions properly - talk about Dizzy Lizzie! I asked the lady where my results are then - she they 'float' about for a few days then disappear!
Anyway, I'm certain that it was my tooth that was behind the raised temp so I phoned the dentist as my appt is tomorrow. He agreed with me as I have no other symptoms and since then the pain has lessened. He may give me antibiotics tomorrow. 

In other news, we got half a Christmas card through the post. Completely ribbed in half diagonally - how does that happen?

We're going to listen to the radio this evening while Frank jigsaws and I knit. It's something about  Sweden 4 parts (Jan + Keith ;-)

Goodnight :-)X

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