Worth keeping

All manner of 'art' comes home in their bags, some is 'filed, but somethings are keepers.

Todays news.... they are negative!! I kind of new it, and all credit to the testing people, we had the results back at about 9.20 this morning. Boys were fit and well, so it was out of the clothes I'd just cajoled them into and on went the school uniform. A slight moment of dejection about loosing their long weekend, quickly forgotten with the joy of back to school - the main attraction being school Christmas lunch. 

It freed up my day to get some things done and feel a little back in control of life and the house. 

Today I'm grateful for:
Back to school!
Lunch time walk with the husband, despite him working at home, I fe as if I barely see him all day
Being asked to represent a senior Officer as a charity trustee, to which I of course answered yes. I think things have become quite political, so that will make for some interesting meetings to come...

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