
By Madchickenwoman


Sorry I've been absent - just seem to have been in an apathetic mood! Still am but am trying to push myself out of it!
This is Nellie of The woods up at the house they are building and plan to move into at some point! We still meet for coffee and a chat weekly and for the last 3 Thursday evening she has come to mine for a carol singing in the back lane! It has poured with rain for the 3 times we have done it and has not been well attended by the people in my road! But 7 others have been as mad as us and turned up in our waterproofs to sing 2 carols!
In other news our hens have also gone into lockdown due to Bird Flu! We took the  fruit cage from my plot and used it and a lot of netting and a spare fence to give them space to roam! What a palaver! 
Oh and I threw my toys out of the pram a week before this due to the continued lack of cleaning by coop members! Told hem as per my warning a while back, that I  would no longer do the buying  feed, charging of battery nor the accounts!! Had a festy back and forth text messaging with one member who used the words - "Sorry you feel you do more than others" I was furious! "Feel"????! I know I do and said as much to him! Funnily enough noone mentioned it when we were doing the hen lockdown and i had to raise it with them as to who was going to do what! None of them were ecstatic about having to take on a role but did I care? Like hell I did!! 
Actually my fury did serve to energise me so win win!!
I am spending Xmas alone as with my sister decided it just wasn't worth the risk - as it turned out looks like many won't be sharing Xmas with loved ones. Also the village is having a covid spike. Started with the Calstock football team - a member of which is a barman in our local. Most of my friends went there for a drink the previous friday - booked 2 tables. I declined as didn't think it was worth the risk. The following week the pub closed as barman came down with covid as did one of my friends son who was also in the pub that night with his friends!! Luckily noone lese in the group has but what a senseless risk to take just before Xmas. 
Poor Vegan Jo and her family have gone down with it though. Her daughter has been doing shifts in the pub near them so she possibly brought it into the family! 
So lots going on! 

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