
By SonofLionel

He’s Just a Big Boar

The footprint this morning was fresh.  Elvis was going frantic, but he wasn’t sure why. No sign of the animal itself - probably just as well as its size suggests it might not like being disturbed.  The hunt have been around looking.  I hide the prints when I can.  I’m not against hunting per-se, but the manner in which they hunt (surround a wood, send in the dogs and blast anything that comes out without a dog bell) is simply not sporting - in my opinion.
Extra pic is a snap again of the Bethlehem Star pair of Jupiter (left) and Saturn (right).  Regular camera, longer lens, tripod and remote shutter.  A little bit sharper and even with a bit of colour this time.  I even take the liberty of suggesting that if you squint and use your imagination, its almost possible to see the ‘suggestion’ of Saturn’s rings.  Well I think so anyway......
Onwards and upwards.

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