Back on the tools (Day 2041)

A later start this morning meant a woofer wander in daylight. I had no work booked in, so as My beautiful wife zoomed off to do hoss stuff, I got organised to do a little carving commission which is supposed to be ready for Christmas. The morning disappeared while I drew up the lettering, dug out a bit of slate and got it cleaned up and cut to size. It was ready to carve by lunchtime.
When HV returned from hossing, we took the woofers a wander at Lyde, and later as HV went to work, I headed to Stromness to do a little job.
Back at home I picked up the chisels for the first time in far too long and set about knocking lumps out of the slate. It seems I can still do this carving thing, and after a few hours I got it finished (extras). Another job ticked off the list.

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