Merry Christmas Everyone

Well, we got here.  The family Zoom-meets and laughs have been completed, along with remote present opening.  The goose has been cooked, the home-grown sprouts have deterred all but the most ardent supporters, the prunes in armagnac, farce de viande, vegetarian stuffing, carrots with parsley, roast parsnips (with parmesan flour coating), roast potatoes (par boiled, drained, shaken (to rough up the outside a little) then basted in goose fat and rosemary sprigs - from the garden).  Gravy was made with stock from a combination of the simmered turkey bones from this week, the liquid from the vegetable water, thickened with corn-flour.  There was even a little cranberry sauce (home-made. - Mrs SoL).  All washed down by a little 2018 Graves.
Goose - lovely.
Prunes in Armagnac - boozy.
Vegetables - cooked to perfection (joint effort).
Belt - loosened.
Emotions - mellow.
Have a wonderful and safe Christmas.
Pudding will be attacked later, once my stomach has reduced to near normal size.
Extras - wine label and wide view of the table.

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