Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Blip Advent Calendar - Day 25!

It's the final door of my blip advent calendar, naturally, as it's Christmas Day. Today you find Mum, Dad and I enjoying our Christmas morning spent on two wheels under sunny skies. It was bitterly, bitterly cold and we had to make sure we stuck to relatively main roads due to the ice. However, it was great to see the sunshine and explore new areas.

It was then back home for warm showers, a little road trip for a brew in the car watching the sunset with Mum before a second helping of a quiz with the Troon Trio.

We've just pulled our homemade crackers and will be watching Strictly Come Dancing back later. Tomorrow we shall open our festive gifts, in the afternoon perhaps!

I really hope you've all been able to be in contact with those you love the most in some way today, and if you've been on your own today, I hope looking through blip has given you a sense of belonging amongst this wonderful community.

A final advent calendar quote? Another from Charlie Mackesy, "those are dark clouds, said the boy, yes but they will move on, said the horse, the blue sky above never leaves". Keep smiling, blippers, hold on to the blue skies.

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