Wet pets

Here is a little glimpse into my home right now...the dog is barking at me, the TV is playing Dora the Explorer while at the same time my granddaughter sits on my husband's lap in the same room with his ipad playing YoGabbaGabba at a pretty elevated volume. Someone is at the door but nobody is answering it because nobody feels like getting off the couch. In my defense, my back is killing me and I'm not moving because I know for a fact the door is not for me. Oh good, now the dishwasher is beeping because it's done with its cycle. Did I mention the floor is covered with toys? Oh yay, my daughter just let the dog out and left the room. It's pouring out. The dog is going to be soaked to the skin and stink to high heaven!
Earlier today I did manage to get a few things accomplished including taking some great water droplet photos but I decided it was too soon to blip that tonight since I had just posted one the other day. I did manage to catch this bird taking cover from the rain in my shrubs. I had previously only managed to capture pictures of the birds on the feeders so I thought this was a nice change to see a bird in a natural setting.
Well the dog is staring at me from the back door looking like a drowned rat so I had better let him in. I asked my 2 year old granddaughter to open the door and let him in and she said, "No, I can't my back hurts"....hmmm, I think she is mocking me!!! Haha

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