A strange collection

One of our Christmas presents from R & S 

These were individually wrapped and labelled A. We had to open them and then guess the link between them!!! It was countries .... which we got right. Canada, Germany, Italy, France, Mexico and one other the mango chutney....cannot remember the country that it represents!!! 

Envelope B had a card explaining that envelope C would contain 6 envelopes, each containing a voucher for a special evening that they will create for us.

As we cannot plan to eat out or go places at present, they will cook a meal from each of the countries, either at their house, ours or ‘meals on wheels’ type delivery if restrictions are in place. 6 meals during the next year :0)

Events to look forward to!!! 

Update on Amber. She is much better and enjoying her rice and either fish or chicken in three small meals during the day. Yesterday she had some bleeding in her gut, but that appears to have stopped. Catching up on sleep and the odd walk are high on her agenda.

We did a Tesco’s collection this afternoon. They were very slow in bringing out the containers. 20 minutes waiting in the car in the cold, 2 degrees outdoors today, were not enjoyable. That’s 3 days on the trot that we have sat freezing, but the length of time is reducing......3hrs on Saturday evening, 1hr yesterday morning and 20 minutes today !!!! We are on a winner !!!

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