The White Stuff...
... Yay! It arrived overnight.
Though it is thawing now; the trees are no longer Christmas Card pretty.
It's been fun for us the local kids anyway.
I haven't ventured far, the essential shopping can wait. (There's still some Christmas food left, not left-overs now but enough supplies to keep us going for a day or two without worrying).
It's funny, Christmas is a time I used to look forward to for a rest. Of course the 'Christmas Rest' never ever happened, owing to the lovely busy-ness of seeing friends and family (the traditional stuff, like seeing family one day, in-laws another, and the cousins another etc...). I have been known to suggest that it might be nice sometimes to just stay at home by the fire and read a book. Now, having had the opportunity to do exactly that (thank you), I feel I'm done with it.
Bring back the visiting and visitors please.
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