Goodbye 2020
Our neighbourhood has been like a ice rink the last couple of days . So this morning the Wildlings and my neighbours son collected some grit and spread it round the whole neighbourhood. There is a few older people that live here and I'd rather have them be safe when out and about.
The year 2020. A difficult year for so many people.
People have lost loved ones, have felt loneliness, we can't hug the people that we love. We have homeschooled, spent quite a bit on facetime and zoom . Went on more outdoor adventures. People have came together in such a positive way. We've clapped and played drums on our doorsteps.
We have helped people and came together as a community.
I have drunk more wine this year than ever ;-) . Some days have been harder than others but at the end of the day we're together as a family.
I'm thankful for the many friends and relationships I have through blip, and it's a real connection to people that I have never even met. ( Except greengirl she's my sister ) .
I hope that 2021 will be a better year and we can get back to some kind of normal.
Happy new year to you all when it arrives. I shall be in bed . X
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