Lovely day

Lovely walk alone the canal, picked up a coffee and came back via the river, weather brilliant. Happen to see a couple of friends at the river so quick chat and headed home. Bit of ironing and made a flan. Daughter called to say she was popping round to drop something off and she arrived 10 minutes later for a chat at the front of the house and drop off a little hamper of goodies.
Had a nice meal and glass of red and now settling down to watch a film, not sure what.
It has been an odd year but for me personally not as bad as 2019. We have not seen our daughter as much as we would like, but knowing she is happy and safe is good. Not had the planned holidays or visited family and friends, but we have enjoyed each other’s company, and started running and playing chess and I have read more. Hetty has been a joy. So not a great year but not as bad for us as for many others.
Happy new year blip friends, best wishes for 2021.

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