My Life With Luna

By chrisA

As from yesterday I'm now officially a retiree.       The time had come where I want/need to be doing what I want/need to do in my own time, at my own pace with Luna keeping me company.
I was hoping for a no fuss leaving, but just after lunch most of the staff came to the office, (all wearing masks, as they have to on duty anyway) and I was presented with a beautiful three colour gold bracelet and this fabulous cake made by my friend and colleague Sandra.   It depicts Luna and I relaxing under the willow tree by the river (just a few months from now though).   She has even made a dustbin to hold my work computer that you can see just behind 'me'.    The owners/directors also gave me a very generous cheque.   To say I was overwhelmed is an understatement, everyone's generosity is so much appreciated.    
So 2021 is the beginning of a new life with Luna, one which will hopefully include lots of walking (as she gets older and is allowed more exercise), 
being able to get out into the garden growing some vegetables and flowers (for Maddies floristry) and being able to do all the things I've put on hold over the last few years.

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