
By Beewriter


I had arranged to go up to Gaddings Dam for a swim this morning, but when I woke up it was very frosty and icy and the forecast for Todmorden wasn’t good. I thought it would be treacherous climbing up and down so I sent Victoria a text to say we should postpone...she was relieved.

It was frosty and icy but the sun was shining and so I sent Jude a text to say I was going for a walk round Entwistle Reservoir if she fancied it...she did. I didn’t fancy driving down to the car park as I didn’t think I would get back up again so I parked on the top road and walked down. When I say walked down I mean slipped, slid, shuffled, inched down. It was so slippy.

We eventually made it to the steps, but they were lethal. People were clinging on to things to get down. We made it unscathed. I thought the path would be ok but it was an ice rink. It was a challenge to walk on but, oh my, it was beautiful. The air was bitingly cold, but so still and clear, it made all your senses tingle. We stopped half way and had a cuppa from our flasks and just soaked in the glorious view.

Lots of other people had sensibly parked up on the top road like us. It was a slippery walk back up but thankfully easy to drive away from.

I had some breakfast when I got back home and then as the sun was still shining and it was trying to snow I decided I couldn’t stay in so I went out for another walk. As I went down the loop line in snowed heavily, it was magical. It didn’t last long though. I was tired by the time I arrived home and when I checked my step count it was exactly twenty thousand.

It’s an early start for work tomorrow but I think I shall sleep well after all the fresh air.

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