Kirby Hall

We went to our local English Heritage property this morning (after running an errand to Stamford at 6.30am and then a run for me). 

Kirby Hall was deserted, we saw one other family there, so it really felt as if we had the place to ourselves. The boys ran around and we spent ages trying to work out what the rooms would have been used for. It was a very good day for photographs - I have lovely ones of everyone, decided in the end to have one of the boys together. 

Home for the official end of Christmas, which didn't have as many complaints as I thought it might.  Tree down, cards down, decorations down and lights packed away for the year.  The youngest keeps telling me that we have to go and get a new Christmas tree. 

Tired everyone by the end of the day.  The eldest was up early for our special errand to Stamford to drop a present off for a special birthday, the youngest is always tired because he battles to go to sleep, I'm always tired because there's always so much to do.  The husband has been the hero and gone to the super market for the evening.  I'm left to tidy up and be in bed before he gets back (on strict orders).  

Evening slightly ruined by a message from my boss who wants to have a chat tomorrow morning, he really is a work-a-holic.  It's Saturday evening.... 

Today I'm grateful for: 
Lovely morning out on a beautiful day (the boys were convinced it is summer as the sun was shining so much) 
The house back to 'normal' with the Christmas tree down
The on-going 'whats' from the youngest that I have to explain, this evening it has been 'what are feelings, what is happy, what is sad, what is upside down, what is bed'.  I sometimes run out of imagination, words and creativity for my answers! 

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