Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Highway to the danger zone!

My day started with a covid test, which came back negative and then, visor back on, a new normal school day followed. :-) I didn't feel unsafe at any point, as I haven't throughout the pandemic including during lockdown working with the key worker children.

All the children were in with parents clearly taking the words of Boris to heart and sending their children back to school, as he proclaimed it safe to do so only yesterday...

Yet here we are, awaiting his 8pm announcement which is rumoured to put pay to that statement. I'm both sad and cross for the children, and parents.

It's a lack of clarity that creates chaos and confusion, anger and frustration. It's a number one time waster too! 

I felt this photo, blipped on a wet old evening stroll, summed it up!!

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