Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Time Warp

I'm just a sweet transvestite in transsexual Transylvania.

I know if I wasn't already really obsessed with Rocky Horror, I am now I'm watching the film. If you didn't know it's written by an amazing man called Richard O'Brian- you might know him from the crystal maze program. Me and my mum find him very weirdly attractive. But in a good way. Not to mention Dr Frank who is possibly my new weird crush. I think I need help.

Today at school, it was good. I found out my media project (it was a music video) was full marks. This perked me up as well as them saying they were really sad I wasn't doing media in Uni or college or whatever because 'I have a real eye for film making' but I'm sure this isn't the last of it. I enjoy making films but I honestly think there is must better than me. I literally know nothing about effects or sound. I never record people speaking because I just use music.

My new art project is Body Language (as you should all know) and I think I might make film for that too. As well as sort of screen caps from the film its self. All the pictures will be in black and white but because of previous lighting issues colour is a better option for getting clarity and other things.

Happy Blipping.

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