
Each one is a small life, but sometimes long, if its
place in the universe is not found out. Like us, they
have a heart and a stomach; they know hunger, and
probably a little satisfaction too. Do not mock them
for their gentleness, they have a muscle that loves
being alive. They pull away from the light. They pull
down. They hold themselves together. They refuse to
But sometimes they lose their place and are tumbled
shoreward in a storm. Then they pant, they fill
with sand, they have no choice but must open the
smallest crack. Then the fire of the world touches
them. Perhaps, on such days, they too begin the
terrible effort of thinking, of wondering who, and
what, and why. If they can bury themselves again in
the sand they will. If not, they are sure to perish,
though not quickly. They also have resources beyond
the flesh; they also try very hard not to die.
Mary Oliver
Can you see it? The water is pristine in Kitchen Cove today but so very cold! After our exertions from yesterday we just did a gentle yomp around the circuit on another fabulous day. Heavy frost, icy temperatures and crisp blue skies. 
Do you remember how I went off in search of  a blessed lake  full of blessed fish and blessed floating  sods? Well the ensuing blog was ready today. I was just about to press the button to upload when I thought I better check just one thing (a placename). It was a jolly good thing I did for I was at the wrong lake, Gromit!! Unbelievable! The real lake, now even more of a puddle than the other, is a couple of kilometres up the road. I wont be able to visit that for ages but it would have been most embarrassing if I hadn't spotted my error.
And today is Nollaig na mBan - Women's Little Christmas. Traditionally the day when the men do all the work, the women having slaved away over Christmas (and the rest of the year!) It always seems a bit unfair in this household where Himself does all the Christmas cooking and his fair share of the stuff. It can be quite a big girls' night out here but this year all will be quiet. It's also Twelfth Night and Epiphany. There's also holy well in Kerry where the water is said to turn into wine on this night. Don't get excited for the last people who tried were instantly turned to stone!

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