
By pipnat51


Late walk again today as lots to do around the house including downloading J's photos, all the way from 2nd August last year, on to the computer! Over 1400!!! 
We walked our usual route and unlike a few days ago we hardly saw anyone out with their dogs. 
Still muddy but not many puddles now although still quite a lot of water lying in the lower areas in the fields and some are still partially covered with ice.
The walk back home is more or less in an easterly direction and of course it gets dark over there first. The photo is looking back behind us to the west which still has a bit of light in the sky and Ilmington Hill can just about be made out in the distance with it's radio / tv masts on the horizon.
The ladies, local people, were so engrossed in catching up with each other that I'm not sure that they quite realised how dark it was getting.
Back home now of course and just getting ready for tonight's extra Epiphany Mass being live streamed at 7 o'clock from St. Gregory's in Stratford.

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