R.I.P. SONY Xperia S

Tomorrow I visit SONY. Yet again.

For my Sony Xperia S I have been offered an exchange for another SONY phone this time an ION. Those of you who use Microsoft Windows will have no problem using this phone but speaking as a Mac user who takes photos it's been a year of hell!

Xperia and a Mac computer, it's a relationship akin to a husband and wife that really shouldn't be together. Any attempt for them to communicate results in miscommunication, hours of connection with little or no data transferred, crashing of iPhoto & Aperture or just a plain refusal to communicate with each other.

Never fear though, because this is backed up by SONY's no reply customer service. After being invited to visit the service centre again For the meeting, I have suggested a date and time and emailed and telephoned the manager to confirm on two occasions and surprise, surprise no reply. I emailed him for the third time last night see if I get a reply.

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