
Anyone who follows me on Blip will know that I do not want to fall over ever again :-). So today on my walk I took my micro spikes and when it got a little slippy underfoot (ice under a thin layer of snow) I put them on and felt a lot safer. I had heard that the day before yesterday, 30 people had been sent in the A&E department at our local hospital with fractures from slipping on the ice. Not good!

As you can see, I was following in the footsteps of my faithful friend, who has spiky claws to stop her from falling. You can see her in the extra, walking ahead of me up the track. This is, incidentally, the hill where she was found wandering last week..

It snowed a little this morning, but no more is forecast. Instead we are promised sunshine and very cold temperatures tomorrow (ie the snow will melt and freeze) so the spikes might come in useful again.

I haven't done much else today, really, just a bit of housework and finishing sock No1 of a pair I'm knitting for myself. Talked to Sarah when she came off her night shift; she is off until Sunday now :-)

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