
By FarmerGirl

The dance of the Wasp

Today I spent doing some well over due spring summer cleaning. Windows and walls were cleaned, and net curtains and drapes washed. I bought the net curtains in with the rest of the washing after they had been on the line for a couple of hours. While they were sitting on top of the clothes in the basket, along came this wasp, and settled itself right on top of the curtains. Out came the camera, and today's blip was captured. I have to admit, I've never seen a wasp up close, and to me it is really ugly!

I love how this wasp is tangled up in the net, and looks like it is doing some sort of dance.

Another hot day today. It is currently 32 degrees C - the grass is going brown and we are once again starting to feed out silage to the cows to supplement their feed. We had hoped that the low hovering over Sydney may have come our way, but it seems to have disappeared. We just have to keep reminding ourselves that one day it will rain, it is just a matter of when.

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