Gitama's World

By Gitama

Thank Goodness That is Over

Exhausted ....amongst the shredded tissue paper he wasn't the only one happy that Christmas and New years was over.
The tree has finally been put away and even thought the twinkly lights are lovely I'm glad the bloody thing is back in it's box.
Yeah I know I sound like a grinch and so be it...if it were up to me I would by pass the whole thing....but Flynn likes it and to be fair unwrapping all our lovely decorations collected over the years and the twinkly lights is probably the best part.........and I did enjoy making cards and things this year.....but.
In truth I am wondering why not make things to send to loved ones at any time of the it out....that way it wont break the bank.....sod birthdays and Christmas....and .......then next year when Santa starts appearing in the shopping centers I will probably continue to do the same ....again....and moan about it.

I wasn't feeling under the weather but just lazy today...the kids went out and I just stayed in bed snuggled up with Beetle and a book....snoozed..... read some more ...and then snoozed some more ....and listened to the was just so fabulous....until......I heard banging and crashing in the living room.
As I emerged from my bedroom a bird flew into my head...I screamed so loud with shock I made myself laugh. It took a while to get the poor little thing back out into his world ( a juvenille methinks) but he was unharmed.

So where was the cat? I was thankful that he wasn't around when that poor little guy was hopping on the floor with exhaustion. After looking all over the house for him I found him in Flynns bedroom...luckily the wind had blown his door shut.
Everything just flowed on from there..the snoozy spell had been much for my peace and quiet and my slothful day.

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