'In A Lonely Place'

I had a good day, today, by which I mean I got a lot done. I don't like days that just drift past and, actually, I think this is one of the reasons I've never missed having a TV; I hate wasting an evening like that.

Anyway, I got up early and walked around to Booths to pick up a couple of ingredients, including a lemon, which I then squeezed - using the prototype juicer that the Minx made - as part of the preparation of the scones that I'd promised Abi for breakfast. (See Extra for both the juicer and the finished articles.)

I won't list *all* of the things I did today, but my highlight was when I told Abi that I was going out for a walk and she said she'd like to come with me. (This, as you might have inferred, is rather unusual.) She even agreed to take part in today's photo, which is a hasty homage to Kevin Cummings' classic photograph of Joy Division, taken forty-one years ago, this week. 

And we had a lovely walk, completing the crossing of Devil's Bridge and then taking a circular route around Casterton. We even bumped into Dan who was out on his run. (Having started 'couch to five k' just a couple of months ago, he's already up to running four and a half miles.)

Reading: 'Mayflies' Andrew O'Hagan

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