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Mondays are furlough days for me and I knew I needed to not only get out of the house but also get out of the neighbourhood, as cabin fever has definitely kicked in. The rules aren't massively clear on driving to exercise but I knew that most of the Shropshire Hills are out of bounds because of how busy they usually become. I headed off to Nescliffe as it's reasonably close to home and usually fairly quiet. Thankfully I only saw a few people out (in ones or twos) so it felt like a safe way of getting some headspace.

It was the dose of nature that I needed. I love Nescliffe because it's so diverse: one minute you're standing under the most incredible trees in the woodland, then you're out from under the shelter with sand under your feet, then there are the most amazing cliffs, with patches of chalk left behind by climbers and even the odd cave or two with legendary local stories. The wind was howling and making the most incredible noise in the trees and then during a quieter spell I think I even heard a woodpecker. 

I'm amazed at what the different sights, sounds, smells and touch of nature can do for your soul. 

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