The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Put Yourself In My Shoe

Dear Givers of Treats,

The Princess has gone too far this time. She is making me wear a SHOE. I am a bestest boy. Not a HUMAN.

“It’s for your own good Murphy.” she said “it’s for your sore paw.”

She’s right, I do have a hurty but I only lay down on the pavement the other day because she looked tired and needed a rest. She had to get The Prince to come and get her in the car. I could easily have kept going because I am the bravest boy.

It won’t be good if Bella sees me out like this. I will NEVER live it down. Bella looks up to me. The shame. The absolute shame of it.

They aren’t even Manpawlo Blahniks.


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