Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Robert took Archie out this morning. Good man - especially as he’s hurt his back and was a wee bit late because he had difficulty tying his boot laces. But no coffee and chat in the garden - just TOOO cold. Though not cold enough for icy pavements, thank goodness.

I have been thinking for quite a while about getting the exercise bike out and doing a bit of extra exercise, but this morning I surprised myself by doing 40 minutes while watching ‘Wanted Down Under - Revisited’ on the iPad. A new regime? We’ll see...

A DVD that I’d ordered for Uncle A arrived, and so I phoned him to say I’d bring it over. He told me the good news that he’s getting his first Covid jag tomorrow. I had been wondering, as he’s 92, and I’ve heard of loads of people younger than him getting theirs.

It was such a lovely day, so we took Archie up the hill again. He We put on his nice tartan coat, and he stood stock still for ages, with just his eyebrows twitching. But once he’s out and about, the tail pops up, and he forgets about it. Except when he tries to roll in the frosty grass - I’m sure it ruins the fun slightly.

I delivered the DVD to Uncle A, who was delighted, while JR and Archie walked home. Our friend who lives in London, but is in Poland at the moment with her husband, rang for a chat. And it’s warmer there than here! It sure has been cold this winter, but with lots of blue skies, so I don’t mind.

Even more bad news: Shocking report on the ‘Mother and Baby Homes’ in the Republic of Ireland, which went on into the late1990s.

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