By lizzie_birkett

Snow Day

I didn't think we'd get much snow but it's been coming down since I got up at 6am and it's 11.40am now.
We took Bella May up Haw Lane but didn't go far as the snow was blowing into our faces and so cold.
So, back home to light the stove and have a cuppa and bikkies.
Frank is making a pot of soup and brewing beer.
I cranked up Frank's laptop to go on Ancestry.co.uk but it says we need to upgrade the windows 10 so I pressed all the buttons and it appears to be doing something but as yet says 0% complete and the dots go round and round in a never ending circle.
I'll do my knitting while I wait and then drawing and I have a poem brewing!
I'm not doing any cleaning today - a day of chillin' and hobbies.

Family members are struggling a bit with this lockdown, the lack of close contact, missing family, loneliness. The new variants keep coming - they see no end. Some are young families and their lives are on hold, some are single (my son) with no one to give them a hug. We can't do anything to help except be at the other end of the phone and try to bouy them up.
Home schooling is going OK but two of the mums are social workers and having to conduct video calls and meetings with and about prisoners and people with family problems and mental health issues is not easy with kids in the background.
People are still allowed to fly into the UK from who knows where. Are they bringing more Covid into the country? A country that is already at breaking point? Why aren't they closing the country to incomers from abroad?

I had a dream last night that I was going to a works do with my old nurse colleagues. It was a birthday bash. I was getting my outfit all sorted - I even had sparkly knickers! I was looking forward to getting all tarted up and then I thought...Oh no, I shouldn't be going because of Covid! I was worried about upsetting people if I didn't go!

Stay cosy and safe everyone. :-)X

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