
By JanetMayes

Project 365 day 15: my knitting needle box

The blue plastic knitting needle box and most of its contents belonged to my mother, and probably dates from the 1950s - it was always there in my sixties childhood. The paper packets for some of the small steel double pointed needles look older: my mum was knitting her own school socks by the time she was eight, in the 1930s. I still use some of them for sock knitting. One of my January lockdown projects is to sort out my many boxes of knitting yarn and unfinished projects: the stash of wool, much of which was also my mother's, would last me well beyond any reasonable life expectancy and is vastly larger than the available storage space, so it's time for some difficult decisions. I began the unfinished sleeveless sweater in 1976, for my younger brother, and abandoned it when it became clear there would not be enough wool to finish - it was my first colour work project, in four ply, and after knitting the back and half the front I could never bring myself to unravel it all. Time to grit my teeth...

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