Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


Blipped from above. One poor guy did all the work while the other one wandered around with a clipboard. The whole thing took less than 10 minutes though, all very efficient.

Apologies in advance to any Traffic Wardens, I'm sure they are all terribly nice people and I know they are just doing their job.....but theres just something about them that makes me have to suppress the urge to kick them every time I see one.

Probably something to do with unwittingly parking in the wrong bit when I first moved down here (and being a bit thick about zoning, well, I am from the Highlands... but to be fair it was most unclear!) then having the tickets nicked off my car so that I didn't know I had any until a cripplingly enormous fine came through the door :o( It soon became clear it was an unnecessary expense to have a car while living in town, lol.

So I sneakily snapped these two with evil glee when I spotted them earlier!

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