Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Barclay Church, Tollcross.

I love this church, its such a gorgeous building with lots of crazy shapes and add ons. Particularly lovely in the late afternoon sunlight today :o)

Haven't been around this way for ages and I forget just how pretty it is, with all the daffies out roundabout and the daisies and forget-me-nots sprinkled across the meadows. My sister and I had a wee wander wander round in a loop when we popped out for some groceries. Step out of Tollcross and its like a totally different world.

Then back home for the most enormous stirfry you've ever seen (had to use a pot rather than the wok, actually may have been too many veggies cos we've been paying for it all night....) and settled down to watch 'The History Boys' which was most excellent.
Another Fopp purchase that wont be going back.....oops!

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