Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Farewell Sweet Savannah

We got tickets for one of the trolley tour buses today and spent a really lovely day hopping on and off at all the stops, which was great because I'm not nearly as exhausted as I was yesterday. And we met Forest Gump! Yes, really! He got on at Chippewa Square looking for Lt Dan :O)

We also saw The Davenport House, which was really interesting and most cool to be transported back to the 1820's. It was the first house that kick started the preservation of Savannah's historic district as it is today. Seven prominent society ladies objected to the plans to tear it down and raised the money themselves to restore it as a Museum. They formed a group in the 1950's-60's - The Savannah Historical Society - which continues and has to date bought, restored and resold 300 such houses.

We had lunch at a sweet little place off Broughton St called The Goose Feather Express Café which does an amazing bread and butter pudding. Its seriously good... Thankfully we had it between us because I think it would have been far too much for just one!
But really it was because we had a bit of a fright last night when we checked our bank accounts and realised just how much we have already spent...from now on money is strictly rationed. No mint juleps in Savannah for us afterall...

No fun :o( but essential if we are to have anything left by the time we reach New York. It's all the little things that add up and the things we don't expect like tax is added to everything and you have to tip just about everybody you come into contact with!
lol We're Scottish, we're tight, we don't tip unless the service is seriously outstanding and even then you'd have to get us on a good day!

I'm joking of course (kindof...) but its true that it isn't the British way to tip quite as many people as the Americans do and it is taking a bit of getting used to.

Tonights dinner was a roll and banana and a yoghurt each at the cost of $1.60 to make up for having lunch out. Very frugal indeed. The supermarket added tax but we didn't have to tip them ;o)

So our last day in Savannah is at an end but we really don't want to leave. It's so gorgeous here, the people are really lovely, the squares and parks are wonderful, the houses are just beautiful and I could easily spend the rest of the week here just taking it easy. Wandering around the city I had fabulous day dreams of enrolling at SCAD (Savannah College of Art And Design - the biggest Art College in the States and hugely involved in taking over decrepid buildings within the city and restoring them to use as part of the college, it makes Savannah funky and kooky as well as old and beautiful) and coming to live here. Ahhhh.....lovely thought. Then the tour guide told us its costs in the region of $36,000 for one year!
Yeah....thats not going to happen even if I could persuade them to take me. lol

I wish we had more time here but, alas, its time to move on and I'm sure we will love Washington too when we get there.

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