School from home...

...continues and it is frenetic! The wee boy is still whirling from class to class...the Rooster has a more leisurely pace but he is frenetic by nature!

And then every so often it all kicks off with the Buncle being drawn in from his college studies in another room. This either results in good natured Tom foolery or mild skirmishes as brothers are prone to have. Occasionally there is a raid into the sisters room but she gives them short shift! And all the while I am trying to focus on my work and MrR on his.

Then there are moments like this :-). It was another carry on but a lovely moment all the same and more heartfelt than carry on if truth be told! That’s MrR helping the Fangler with his maths whilst the Rooster gives him a hug.

These days have their moments...for which I am grateful.

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