
By LadyPride


Shattered today after my husband got in at 3am from work again and I woke and couldn't get back to sleep. We had a big chat in the wee hours about his day and I was remarkably lucid apparently. Not surprising considering I then never went back to sleep!

Had planned to drive up to surprise my Mum-in-law with Audrey but felt so exhausted I was close to not bothering. But I knew it would mean a lot to her so I went. It went well although she did make it hard for us to leave which meant Audrey was beside herself with tiredness by the end. And we hit rush hour! My pet hate.

Because my MIL doesn't see Audrey very often she seems to think she's a cranky baby. She really isn't. She just is whenever we are there. It is so unfortunate but I do think shorter visits would benefit everyone.

Audrey was them irritable all the way to bedtime and has drank hardly any milk. She wouldn't settle either which was typical as I was off out and had Gemma over to babysit.

Made it out finally an hour later than planned to my husband's new place for a free taster bowling session (I missed that part) and some food with the design agency I'm hotdesking with in Didsbury. Eighteen of us in total. It was a great night and it was good to see them all out of work and break the ice socially.

Nursed one glass of wine all night though. But with two more nights out this week I need to go steady!!!

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