These pair have a lovely wee bond . She tries to mother him sometimes but he gets her told .
After a not so good night last night it's been a quiet day. School work this morning for a while, the Wildlings did some drawing for a while, I gave them tablet time. This week they have had more than normal. While Mr R went to work this afternoon I baked some cookies and handed a pile to my neighbour. And I drew out the cat's that I will be painting. That's all I've done today and I've been so sore . The pharmacy have gave me more oramorph, but if I'm still feeling as sore ( it's feels worse each day ) I will make a doctor appointment. Just incase it's a infection or anything. Although my wounds have healed nicely. But appendicitis felt better than this. I'm going up to bed with the Wildlings in a minute.
I was messaging my nurse friend earlier to see how she is getting on . She works in ICU. And her and her colleagues are emotionally devastated with it all. The families they have had to call, the hand's they have held as they have passed. Seeing the fear in people's eyes. I feel for all my friends that work in medical, and work in hospitals and work on the front line. We have reached a number in this country that we shouldn't have reached. We shouldn't have lost all those people. If only things had been dealt with properly in the beginning. Instead of herd immunity, and continuing to keep the airport's open. I could go on and on.
I hope today has been a good one. X
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