While D was at home, studying virtually at the college, I was at the real college, parking in the empty car park and remembering how much I enjoyed my two years there studying photography. I feel sad that students (including D) are missing out on so much this year by having to study online.
One of my nice memories was of sitting outside with my friend Liz, enjoying our packed lunches and this view of Criffel.
I did the weekly shop and then went for a walk around the campus and the Crichton grounds. There were people out walking and running but a lot less than at Dock Park, so it was easy to keep distance.
On the way home, I listened to Dr Rangan's Latest podcast about happiness. Not surprisingly, our social networks (real, not virtual) are very important in keeping us happy. A real challenge just now..
Time to make the tea. We have some of D's curry left over from last night so I'm going to make some Vegan, GF Naan Bread to go with it :-)
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