Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck


Not a spelling mistake. May I introduce Wam; a huge man with the gentlest way about him. Scale: he's standing beside a 20 tonner.

He was late but nobody dares complain to him, his managing director yes but never Wam, he's much too nice to upset. You may notice a support strap on his wrist. I asked what it was to protect. Apparently he has hurt his wrist constantly hitting the side and tailgate pins and catches into place. I suggested he used a lump hammer, poor bloke was shocked, "That would damage my truck!"

Hugs and fings to JazzyB who has been a star chasing around all day trying to get Wam here earlier. When I mentioned she wanted a word in his shell like ears he ran for his cab, clambered in and was went! He claimed he wanted to avoid the school run, I'm not so sure.

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