Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Extreme hedging

Enuff is enuff. This hedge has been the bane of my life for the past 12 years. It's allure, all 21 feet of it has reduced over the years. Most of it is dead, the remaining sticks are difficult to prune, the tree surgeon has refused to cut anymore as the power lines from the neighbouring houses, which can be seen at the top of the picture, would cause an arc to his tools. To give you an idea of scale, that's a 1520 litre water tank which stands 6 feet high. The soil at the base of the wall is for the rebuilding of the damaged wall.
So... fix it! Electric pole pruner by Stihl. Rips through the hedge. Labouring by Jimmy rips it outside. We chop it into a skip and Skippy takes it away.
Now for the cunning part. Paint the stumps with stump killer. The bits that veer away from our garden have been spared, not on our premises. Sneee sneee, no prisoners, ringed and painted. :-))
I am too ancient for this malarky but I haven't enjoyed myself so much in ages. The banter of working with Jimmy and Andrew who is building the walls. Great sport, takes me back to my prime, way back in 1832.

PS, This hedge is 40 meters long!

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