Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Washington D.C.

We got on the train in Savannah this morning and 11 hours and 5 states (Yup, 5. Count 'em!) later here we are in Washington. We had stretch stops in Florence, North Carolina and Richmond, Virginia but other than that there wasn't much movement on this train, no lounge car like the LA to San Francisco one unfortunately, but still better than flying :)

So far on our trip we've been really lucky with the weather. Amazing sunshine all week in San Fran instead of their usual fog and we left the day the rain started. Gorgeous weather in New Orleans and storms due the following week. Super sunshine in Savannah and we leave the day they get thunderstorms and lightening!

However in the 12 hours since we left the South the weather had followed us up and we've arrived in a massive rainstorm. We didn't mind, we went out and about for a look anyway - our hotel is so close to everything, right on Capitol Hill - then got completely drenched and I fell over in the mud! lol

Thats OK, perfect excuse for hot showers and curling up in our hotel robes (this hotel is so unexpectedly fancy we even have robes!! the beds are also so high we have a wee wooden step to get into!) with a hot chocolate. Lovely after a whole day of traveling.

Can't wait to start exploring DC tomorrow :O)

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