There is Nothing Quite Like It.......

......being in the garden on a warm afternoon.... after the rain and the franjipani perfume swamps the olfactory senses.

I planted some more lettuce and silver beet it is perfect growing weather. The peas and beans we planted the other day are already well established and big.

The other thing I love is when I walk past the herbs ....more olfactory delights as my dress brushes up against the mint..sage...oregano...its like they are all saying 'Hello' in the language they know best.

We think the boy is having a growth the beans in the garden...he is always hungry now...(our weekly shop is becoming more expensive ;-)))...everything is about food and yes he has been recently wormed....I just wonder where it all goes...hollow legs I think.

“You should never hesitate to trade your cow for a handful of magic beans.”
Tom Robbins

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