Sunday Ride (Day 2079)

After the morning woofer wander today, my beautiful wife and I made our way to Stromness and, after getting the chores out of the way, saddled up George and Red and got out for a really nice ride. We stopped at the Gun Viewpoint to take some pics and just enjoy the view. I got the obligatory shot with George's ears in the way (extra).
We stopped and chatted to a few people along the way, but best of all saw C&C who I haven't seen for months. Really lovely to see them and have a very quick catch up.
Later, as we drove home, it began to snow, and by the time I got the woofers out of the truck at Lyde, the road was white
All too soon it was time for HV to head off to work, leaving me to organise the rest of my stuff for my trip overseas tomorrow.

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