Eday Sunset (Day 2080)

My day started at stupid o'clock this morning, and having shifted the snow off the windscreen of the truck, I got the woofers out for a wander up the hill.
Back home I finished off the last bit of packing up and headed to town to catch the ferry to Eday. One of the inter-island boats is away for re-fit, which meant the ferry stopped at Stronsay and Sanday before Eday. It was a flat calm crossing, but 3 hours on the boat was a bit much.
A quick stop at the place I am staying to drop off some stuff, then on to the job. The customer had ripped out their old shower enclosure, and in doing so had found a bit of rotting timber in the stud wall which I had to deal with before I set about running in new feeds for the new shower. A late start to the day meant the sun was setting as I cut sheets of plywood to cover the walls. The view is grand.
Apparently my beautiful wife has had a good day doing hoss stuff.

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