Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Daily coffee stop

We’ve walked over 8 miles today .. to make up for yesterday.. the rain was relentless..
Today we had no dog being sick , NOOOO ( hear my tone ) we had Penny cat really really think about where she was going to hoik up food and a furball.. this one is a corker - IN TOP OF AND DOWN THE SIDE OF MY AQUARIUM ! Hear.my.tone #2 ...
All my fish have names and yes I can tell them apart except for the neon tetras of which there are 6 so they are called The Waltons ...

Thank you so so much for the lovely comments and hearts and stars on yesterday’s blip . Honestly it was just fabulous.. I’ve been on site longer than 8 years but I’ve had a few significant breaks although I do keep adding back blips here and there . I’m going to really sort that out this year x
First blip ever was https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/911125

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