I Love Begonias

I don't know if Tiny Tuesday is still happening...but it's Tuesday and today I cracked out my macro.
I always seem to forget how much I love playing around with the macro and the strange and wonderful things to look at are endless when blown up on the screen.

We have quite a few begonias...some of them when the sun shines on them the leaves sparkle as if dusted with pearlescent magical stuff...the others have delicate flowers of all shades....but my favorite is this one.
I didn't buy it for its flowers (which are very small) but for the most gorgeous leaves..rough and almost spikey to the touch but a beautiful  deep green with deep red almost black splashes running down the length of the veins. If ones eye skims over the top there are dark red hairs around the edges......I will have to take a pic...it's so hard to explain.

Not such great news about the car...gonna cost a bit to fix up and my spectacles ..(multi focals) while they are great for long and mid distance they are rubbish for reading so they had to go back to get fixed up.

“I've come to believe that all my past failure and frustration were actually laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy.”
Tony Robbins

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