Life and times of us

By Bumpster

Looking at things differently!

Photography makes you look at things in different ways. How long has this feather been in our living room? I don't know is the truth, Hannah found it during a day out to a National Trust property and it has been here ever since - its part of the furniture. We have been here in this house for 3 years so at least that long. Have I ever looked at it before? Certainly not close up, I haven't noticed the slightly spikey appearance and all the different parts which make the whole. Perhaps this journey on Blip will open my eyes to lots more things.

I am trying to build up the courage to let Boyzee take a bump photo but after a 12 hr day at work and then stuffing my face with supper the time doesn't seem right! I did have a midwife appt today and all seems to be where it should be. Heartbeat was good and strong and the little one kicked and moved just to prove he/she was there!!

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