Life and times of us

By Bumpster


This is Laura, a fab friend of mine. We had supper at our friend's house last night and it was lovely to catch up with them. All the girls I had supper with are in the Army and it struck me that between us we had quite a bit of experience in far away foreign places! Laura has recently returned from Afghanistan, my friend Lou was there last year and both Cal and I had last served operationally in Iraq. I have also done a couple of tours in Bosnia and the Kosovo.

However, as it typical with us we didn't talk about the Army we talked about babies. All of us are mum's apart from Laura. Her and her husband are trying to adopt...I was simply amazed at the hoops the social services make people jump through. No body asked me to prepare a meal plan prior to having children or get character references from my friends!!!! I'm not sure I would have children if my friends had had to make comment on my ability to interact with children before they came along.

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