Working Load Limit

One of the joys of having a working SK is that on occasion she brings home the bacon. And being of a most generous nature, she recently declared that she’d like to buy me a gift to share her latest pay cheque. Anything I wanted! Well.. what do you get the man who has everything? An anchor snubber! Once this spell of shitty weather has passed I see a little sail into Wardie Bay to get the crew well versed in its deployment.
Later, the SK spotted a film called Limbo being shown at the Glasgow Film Festival. A Scottish film, no less, directed by one Ben Sharrock; we watched the trailer and were so amused that we delved deeper to find he had made a previous full length film, Pikadero* in 2015. So that had to be watched. A little sad delight of a film, so it is, and quite nicely surreal in parts. 
Later, a boat club zoom call. Yours truly had the bad news to break that we’ll have to spend money on a dredge. Bad enough spending money, but doubly bad in that we’ll be spending it on the other crowd’s suction dredger, the efficacy of which is regularly and colourfully called into question. With a bit of luck, if I keep this up, I’ll get voted off. 

*literally a riding school. Slang: a public place where couples go to enjoy sex

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