Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

A dank day, but still pretty...

... I had to smile, two seconds after putting down the phone (yes, despite best intentions it is a phone blip again), a kingfisher flew from the left, straight down the middle of the picture. It was probably sitting beside me as I snapped the image.
Great! :-/

I’m making falafel for tea, with slightly overdone chick peas if I’m honest. I did all the soaking and boiling and then put the timer on, set for an hour and a half.
It duly pinged.
I turned it off.
(Pings are a nuisance if you’re concentrating).
I carried on and went about my business.
An hour after that, I recalled I had something in the oven..

It’s a good thing the wine forecast is looking bright for this evening.
Happy Friday one and all.

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